Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Time to Cull

We need another major purging of goods over here! How is it that some days I feel very lacking in "stuff" (see previous post!) and other days, I feel like I can not escape the mountains of stuff everywhere in this house. Mainly, it's just that there are so many toys. We have bins and bins of things that Julian has outgrown and Lucy has no interest in. Or, no need for. I am a firm believer in the "less is more" mentality (but you knew that, right?) and think that a few really cool, well-loved toys are worth far more than heaps of them in every room of the house. What drives me the most insane are the random scattered bits everywhere-pieces and parts of bigger toy "sets" that have somehow become separated from each other. A puzzle piece here, a doll's jacket there. Argh.

Some mornings, I sit in the playroom with the kids, and I can't help but "sort" the toys. Keepers go on the shelf. "Giveaways" go into a bin. Random bits go into a separate basket, for a Toy Reunion I hope to someday host. My kids rarely notice or care, but every once in a while, Lucy will pull something out of the bin and say, with furrowed brow, "Are we keeping this?"

This afternoon when she woke up from her nap she came down and snuggled with me for the longest time in the living room. She wadded up her blanky in her fists, turning it around and wadding it up, over and over. Finally she sighed and said, "Mommy, I love my blanky. I don't want to get rid of it." Yikes.

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