Saturday, April 26, 2008

How hair extensions can save America

Yesterday, I was at the MOA (long story). On the way there, I heard GW on the radio talking up the rebate checks going out to Americans. He's hoping Americans will use the money to "boost the economy" and that it will "provide some relief at the gas pumps." (here's a link to an article about this speech) Ummmm, OK. Granted, we're in a recession. I'm no economist, but I couldn't help but wonder about this. As I wandered through the mall, assaulted by stimuli, surrounded by people toting huge shopping bags, I saw plenty of opportunities to "boost the economy." Cell phone covers! Clip-on hair extensions! Hermit crabs! But really now, is it my obligation as an American to spend money? Will that really be the best thing for the country, if we all go out and pour money into The Economy, by purchasing goods? I believe our President thinks it would be.

And then I got to thinking, what would it be like if, instead of just spending all this money falling from the sky, instead of just buying "stuff" because The Big Guy told us to, the good citizens invested it in things that might really improve the quality of life around here: livable wages, care for the elderly, better support for mothers and children, a decent health care system. What would happen to the economy? What would life be like then?

I just don't think "stuff" is the answer. What would it be like if everyone in this country had financial security? Is it even possible? What would that do to the economy?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Six secondhand scented spring shirts

I had two hours of kid-free time today. I spent one hour having a wonderful lunch and reading the paper (an indulgence I haven't enjoyed in I don't know how long). The next hour was spent poring over the racks at my local secondhand kids clothing store. The store was crammed full of stuff, but I managed to find very little in the way of clothes for my kids. I found a few things, but frankly, it's proving to be darn hard. What I need are pants, shirts, shorts. Just basic stuff. And I didn't find much. I'm really not picky when it comes to clothing for my kids. I want cute stuff, sure, and stuff they'll wear. But after an hour, I had only a couple shirts for Julian (who actually really needs pants more than anything) and a couple shirts for Lucy (ditto on the pants thing). So I am not sure how productive this outing actually was. 6 items of clothing will not get my children through the next season.

I'd find myself holding up an item now and then and thinking, "Hmm. well, this isn't all that cute, and I'm not sure what she can wear it with, but it is her size..." so I wound up buying several things that I don't think I really needed to buy. Or didn't even like. And of course, this particular store allows no returns. So when I got things home and realized the foolish choices I had made, arrgh. And the amount of time I spent shopping, compared with the result?? Phooey. This seems so inefficient. I would rather waste money than time. The opportunities I have to go out shopping sans kids are so rare, I hate to spend an entire hour and have so little to show for it.

And then there's the whole "bionic nose" thing. Have I mentioned this? I have a sense of smell that is, well, acute. I can practically tell you what brand of laundry soap the guy jogging past me on the sidewalk uses. I can smell the blueberry muffin being eaten by the person in the car next to me at a stoplight. With the windows closed. Secondhand stores present an entire landscape of smells for me to navigate through. It can be overwhelming at times. Today I left with a headache that is still hanging on, hours after I returned home. Obviously I will wash the clothes I bought, but I've found that when I buy secondhand clothes, I always have to wash them 4 or 5 times because I can smell the detergent/pets/residual perfume/etc the clothes have been in contact with.

Of course, I'll get better at this. I'll eventually find the right stores that I can tolerate shopping in, and I'll figure out how to better choose what to bring home. There must be an easier way. Maybe I am going to the wrong places? Anybody know of any good secondhand kids clothes stores?