Saturday, April 26, 2008

How hair extensions can save America

Yesterday, I was at the MOA (long story). On the way there, I heard GW on the radio talking up the rebate checks going out to Americans. He's hoping Americans will use the money to "boost the economy" and that it will "provide some relief at the gas pumps." (here's a link to an article about this speech) Ummmm, OK. Granted, we're in a recession. I'm no economist, but I couldn't help but wonder about this. As I wandered through the mall, assaulted by stimuli, surrounded by people toting huge shopping bags, I saw plenty of opportunities to "boost the economy." Cell phone covers! Clip-on hair extensions! Hermit crabs! But really now, is it my obligation as an American to spend money? Will that really be the best thing for the country, if we all go out and pour money into The Economy, by purchasing goods? I believe our President thinks it would be.

And then I got to thinking, what would it be like if, instead of just spending all this money falling from the sky, instead of just buying "stuff" because The Big Guy told us to, the good citizens invested it in things that might really improve the quality of life around here: livable wages, care for the elderly, better support for mothers and children, a decent health care system. What would happen to the economy? What would life be like then?

I just don't think "stuff" is the answer. What would it be like if everyone in this country had financial security? Is it even possible? What would that do to the economy?

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