Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Back on our feet!

We are all pretty much healthy now and things are beginning to feel somewhat "normal" around here. Lucy is officially 3 now! Her birthday was just yesterday. We went to the Malt Shop where she had her all-time favorite meal: macaroni and cheese followed by strawberry ice cream.

Lucky us, we only live about 10 blocks from the restaurant, and she wanted to walk home. Having just consumed a humongous hot-fudge-banana malt (my all-time favorite meal), I was happy to indulge her. D drove home with J, and she and I proceeded to have a lovely evening walk, just the two of us. We looked at flowers, said hello to bumblebees, walked up and down steps, searched for kitties, hugged trees, and just generally had a nice time together.

When we were sick, she and I spent hours each day, lying in bed, "doing stickers," reading stories, cuddling, and napping. Now that we are better and life's usual pace has swept us up again, we're missing each other a bit, so this was a nice chance to reconnect and just have some time together. And so much more fun than lying in bed, convalescing together!

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