Monday, May 5, 2008

Our First Cheat

So, I went out and bought something recently without a second thought. I fell off the wagon of non-consumerism. And I have no regrets at all. None. What was the ultra-tempting item that got me to turn away from my values, to ignore this challenge we've taken on, to shun our quest for simplicity? A new car? Some great clothes?

Light-blocking fabric.

Those of you who have seen me recently probably don't have to try very hard to recall my pitted eyes, sallow complexion and complete lack of energy these past few months. What many of you know is that our dear baby boy was trying for the world record of sleepless days and nights. He was making a pretty good run of it, too. 9 months without a nap. (no, I'm not exaggerating) No single stretch of sleep at night lasting more than three hours. Nine months of this was really taking its toll on me. I was physically and mentally exhausted, completely drained, and, frankly, starting to lose my grip. I was short on patience (aka an UberHag of a mother and wife), I was short on ideas. We have tried everything to get this kid to sleep. And I do mean, everything. Health experts from every end of the spectrum weighed in on his difficulty. Friends were generous with advice and suggestions. I have sung every lullaby ever written to this child.

Finally, a friend (bless you S) menti0ned how well her son started to sleep after she taped black poster board up on the windows, to block out the light. Why didn't I think of this before? I raced to the fabric store the next morning, wondering how on earth I could have overlooked this one. But of course. He has wood shades, but they aren't great at blocking the light.

I spent twenty minutes velcroing the fabric up in J's room, and that afternoon, miracle of miracles, he took a nap. And not just any nap, friends, he took a three hour nap. Since then, he has napped every day, for about an hour and a half. And the nights? His current average is to wake up two or three times. This is down from the 5 to 10 times per night I was getting up with him before.

To say I am restored is an understatement.

So, yeah, we broke the terms of the Compact this time. But like I said, it is so worth it. No regrets here. I am re-joining the living, and it is good.

1 comment:

KellyBelly said...

I have a "non-napping" son also. Our first 3 sons were amazing sleepers; they slept through the night by 8 weeks, then took at least 2 long (2-3 hours each) naps during the day. All children were breastfed. So, this last baby is driving me nuts to say the least! He is almost 11 months and has NEVER slept through the night. I have "double shades" in his room, so I don't think blocking light further would help him. I think he needs to learn to "self-soothe" at night w/out me jumping up to nurse him back to sleep each night. I'm glad your little guy is sleeping better for you now! I keep telling myself this too shall one day pass.

I love your blog - I'm thinking about doing the compact and found your site that way. I'm reading some "past blogs" b/c I found them very interesting and enjoyable!
